Tag: iphone

Singapore 3D Display Screen Protector

* … EyeFly 3D, can make images on non-3-D smartphones “leap” from their screens, without users having to wear special 3-D glasses. * … 500,000 nano-sized lens structures embedded… * Each lens structure is 1,000 times smaller than the width of a strand of hair. * … developed by Temasek Polytechnic and the Institute of …

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George Yu’s Node Gadget Can Measure Anything

http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-12-13/george-yus-node-gadget-can-measure-anything#r=nav-r-story * George Yu can take your temperature from two feet away, scan your house for leaky insulation, and determine the dampness of your basement with a gadget he invented called the Node, which works with an iPhone. 就算站在两尺的距离, Georges Yu 也可以测量你的身体温度,扫描你的房子找寻漏洞和探查你的地下室潮湿度。他的新发明叫做Node, 可用于iPhone. * The three-inch tube, which he describes as “a little Swiss Army …

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