Tag: charge

Pee to recharge your phone !

http://ces.cnet.com/8301-33375_1-57356553/powertrekk-powers-your-portable-with-pee-or-water/ The Powertrekk system uses sodium silicide cartridges from SiGNa Chemistry, whose execs I met with here, plus the water-based liquid of your choice (tap water, pond water, even urine) to make hydrogen, which the Powertrekk runs through a fuel cell to generate electricity.  It’s $200 plus about $4 a cartridge.

Using body heat to charge your phone

http://www.pcworld.com/article/250648/your_body_heat_could_someday_charge_your_phone.html#tk.nl_dnx_t_crawl The technology is called Power Felt,…uses carbon nanotubes to create electrical energy from temperature differentials, such as that between your body and the air. The researchers encased the nanotubes in plastic fibers to create a fabric, which allows the device to be easily incorporated into a number of products.

Using pot to charge cellphone

The above article was taken from My Paper (http://mypaper.sg/) on 23 Jun 2011, Page A11