
Welcome to the Singapore Inventors’ Development Association (SIDA in short), a place for like-minded to network and exchange their innovative ideas with the aim of creating value chain.
* 欢迎来到新加坡发明协会 (简称为 SIDA) 。 为了志同道合的信念,  我们聚集在一起,交换心得,创造新的发明,发明有用的东西。

Our members at SIDA come from all walks of life some are employees, businessmen, entrepreneurs, authors, scientists, lawyers, hobbyists, etc.
* 我们的会员来自社会各界;有些是员工,商人,企业家,作家,科学家,律师和业余爱好者等等。

They come together to share their respective areas of expertise, experience and resource.
* 我们一起分享各自的专长,经验和资源。

We meet pretty regularly, and each time when we meet we would bounce off ideas amongst one another.
* 我们有定期的会议。在每一次会议中,我们都会激利对方,创造新想法或新发明.

In SIDA our collective know-hows are directed in enhancing our nations Intellectual Property value-chain through various seminars, workshops, exhibitions and mentoring programs that we engaged. Therefore, it is an association for those who care to contribute their services.
* 在新加坡发明协会(SIDA), 我们致力于为新加坡创造一个有利于发展知识产权的环境。我们会通过各种研讨会,工作坊,展览或个人指导。如果你原意贡献自己的力量, 你来对地方了。

So come join us! Your age or gender does not matter, so long as you have enthusiasm, interest in novel things and creativity. We’ll help one another fire up our imagination.
* 不管你的年龄和性别,只要你有热情和兴趣,喜欢创造新奇的东西, 请来加入我们吧!让我们一起发挥我们的想象力。

Individuals (not necessary patent holders) who are creative or aspired to be creative with interest in problem solving are welcomed to apply for Ordinary membership subjected to the Management Committee’s approval. Students and those on apprenticeship who are creative and inventive are eligible for Associate membership. Corporate membership is also open to companies.
* 如果你是工作人士,你可以申请成为我们的普通会员。 如果你是学生或学徒, 你可以申请成为我们的准会员。至于企业,我们也有 企业会员。

SIDA welcome people who have interest in invention and innovation development/activities to join as members so as to help propagates SIDA’s vision of achieving widespread recognition in invention development and also to participate in its programmes.
* 在新加坡发明协会(SIDA), 我们欢迎任何人, 只要你对发明有兴趣。来加入我们,参加我们的活动, 为我们的理想奋斗吧!


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