February 2012 archive

Using body heat to charge your phone

http://www.pcworld.com/article/250648/your_body_heat_could_someday_charge_your_phone.html#tk.nl_dnx_t_crawl The technology is called Power Felt,…uses carbon nanotubes to create electrical energy from temperature differentials, such as that between your body and the air. The researchers encased the nanotubes in plastic fibers to create a fabric, which allows the device to be easily incorporated into a number of products.

Free Software from google to design your invention

http://sketchup.google.com/ http://sketchup.google.com/intl/en/training/videos.html

MINDEF being sued over alleged patent infringement

The product in question is the mobile Battalion Casualty Station (BCS), which is being compared to a mobile clinic licensed for use by the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF). MobileStats Technologies said MINDEF had contacted it in 2008 to discuss the possibility of adapting the vehicle for the army’s use. But talks came to a …

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Purify your water using charcoal

…purify your drinking water with a stick of charcoal… …Japanese have been doing it for centuries… Binchotan—a carbon made from tree branches—is renowned for its ability to soften water and absorb impurities, including chlorine. The manufacturer recommends refreshing the charcoal after three months by boiling it for 10 minutes http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204652904577195082476753016.html?KEYWORDS=binchotan